“Five” in many cultures is the symbol of man, of the microcosm, firmly linked to the symbolism of the hand. It is one of the most important symbols of creation in Chinese, Japanese, Celtic and other traditions. For Muslims, this number is considered a symbol of healing and protection and represents the five pillars of Islam: faith, prayer, pilgrimage, mercy and fasting. This number is not as popular as the numbers “three” or “four”, but still has a certain symbolism in Turkic culture.

In Kazakh culture, the symbolic meaning of this number is manifested mainly in the concept of “bes qaru” – “er qaru – bes qaru” (five weapons), which actively appears in the Kazakh era. “Bes qaru” is divided into: Throwing, cutting, stabbing and striking weapons, possession of which in perfection is the main advantage of a real dzigit – a warrior. In this meaning “bes” (five) expresses strength, unity, which is also expressed in the proverb “bes barmaq zhudyryk bolady” (“five fingers put together make a fist”). This number can also indicate the extraordinary abilities of a person: “bes aspap adam” – literally: a person who has five instruments, i.e. has “golden hands”, is talented.
