The nomads’ enthusiastic and passionate observation of nature led to a metaphorical understanding of many environmental laws, to an understanding of time, cyclicality, and, of course, to their anchoring in the linguistic worldview. Among a number of similar phenomena is a time called “mizankök.” This time falls in early spring, when the young grass begins to break through the snow. “Mizan” in Arabic means “to weigh,” “scales.” So it is time to balance, between the passing winter and the coming spring, the equinox. The word “mizan” is also used in reference to the equinox, and “mizanshuağy” – (mizanshuak – period, time span) in reference to the time of the autumn and winter equinoxes.

Among the people, this period is sacred and has been widely used in folklore as a symbolic time when good and evil, light and darkness, etc. exist.
